
Bol.com is the most important online shopping platform in the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg). Bol.com established in The Netherlands in 1999, offers products in many different categories, from books to electronics, from toys to household goods. It also allows third-party sellers to sell their own products on the platform. This allows sellers to gain access to Bol.com's large customer base.


Selling on Bol.com and Commission Rates

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Bol Fulfillment Services

Bol.com Fulfillment service enables sellers to quickly and efficiently offer their products to Bol.com's large customer base. This service allows sellers to sell their products through Bol.com without having to worry about customer service and returns.

The cost of the Bol Fulfilment service depends on the size, weight and storage time of the products. Bol.com provides a calculation tool to help sellers estimate the costs of this service.

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Coniwi GMI is global marketplace integration software that allows you to manage domestic and international e-commerce marketplaces from a single panel.



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